About Us
The MCHC Story
Rick Morse began his correctional career as an Assistant Health Services Administrator at the Baltimore City Detention Center. Ultimately, he was a Health Services Administrator at three county jails where Rick gained hands-on profit and loss expertise managing all components of county jail medical operations. Rick’s progression included roles as Regional Manager, Director, Corporate Managing Director and now, Consultant.
Some Morse Correctional contracts required claims management resulting in MCHC bringing on a full-time claims manager. With quality care always the benchmark, MCHC has always found ways to enhance care and lower costs. I’ve worked for the big for-profits and now I work for Jail Administrations. Having worked both sides of the table, I can bring results to your jail. Whether you need assistance with operations, cost containment or someone to get a handle on your offsite care claims, Morse Correctional can help you.
I have never failed to save a client taxpayer dollars.